High Temperatures decrease CO2 capacity of the ocean
The ocean is the biggest global reservoir of carbon dioxide absorbing 25% of the world's carbon emissions. It is one of the main things that is preventing an even further advancement of global warming. That is why it is so concerning that its carbon capacity could be reduced. The increased occurrence of marine heatwaves causes microbes to adapt to survive with less nutrients. When this occurs they are not able to act as a biological pump as well anymore. This hinders the oceans ability to act as a carbon sink. Heatwaves have been identified by scientists as a major cause of global warming and they are increasing in frequency. This demonstrates how climate change could turn into a deadly cycle if we continue to neglect our planet. The heat waves are caused by global warming but they will also contribute to more global warming. Once again the urgency of fighting against climate change has revealed itself in our world and the solutions are the same as mentioned in earlier blogs.
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